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Have you struggled with Rossolimo, Moscow (2...d6 3.Bb5) or Chekhover variations (2...d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4) in Sicilian? You can find the solution in my file for those variations. I focused on 3...d6, which has been played consistently by Indian superstar Arjun Erigasi. Two highlights of my file are: 1) 3...d6 4.0-0 Bd7 5.Re1 a6!? instead of much common 5...Nf6 and
2) 3...d6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Qxd4 a6!?
As always, I am very proud of my detailed coverage of most critical lines and hope this material will serve you for many years ahead. This file suitable for 1600 and all the way to titled players.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 18$
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What if you would know that in Exchanged variation of Queens Gambit Decline you can avoid all heavy theory? This is what I am offering you in this database, encouraged by very recent game Robson vs Caruana from US Championship 2024. By playing 5...Be6 you can not only surprise your opponent, but also have a very fresh independent line, which avoids a well-known theory. Moreover, this variation promises more aggressive play to compare with well-established theory and so far, looks very reliable. This file can be a good fit for wide range of chess players starting from 1800 and all the way to titled players! As always, I believe it will serve you for many years ahead!
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 32$
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Have you ever dreamed about playing Sicilian positions similar to what Kasparov used to play with great success? Going for Scheveningen systems out of Najdorf requires a lot of theoretical knowledge, moreover it looks like Black has been struggling in those positions. What if I would tell you that there is another line, where you can obtain Scheveningen pawnstructure (in most of the lines), but it's not as popular as Najdorf, or 5...e6 variation? For quite some time I have been dreaming about finding somewhat not well-known Sicilian, which is very playable for Black. I believe I succeeded to find one! I am very excited to introduce new concept in 4...Qb6 (Grivas variation) variation. There have been serious issues in old-fashioned 4...Qb6 variation, that's why a new move order should work much better. The Database should work for any level starting from 1600 and all the way to titled players!
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 18$
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Recently Modern Benoni has been very trendy thanks to the efforts of Super GM Richard Rapport. Also Magnus played it successfully during Grenke tournament. I have already recommended this line (Four pawn attack) 4 years ago (you can find it on my site ask-avrukh.com), but now I came up with surprising 9.Be2, which in my opinion creates a lot of problems for Black players. For detailed PGN file please head over to my site https://ask-avrukh.com/Games.aspx
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 22$
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In this massive file you will find Black QGD repertoire vs White 1.d4 2.c4 . I believe it's both reliable and aggressive and you will be offered 404 novelties/improvements! There is a full coverage against Catalan, Exchanged variation of QGD and all other move orders besides 3.Nc3 4.Nf3 move order. On this site you can fine Modern Vienna file in case you are interested.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 23$
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It looks like chess players can easily choose what to play against 1.e4. Meanwhile, many struggle to pick up his opening vs 1.d4. I decided to answer this question. My choice is Queens Gambit Accepted! I believe it's powerful and reliable at the same time. It's also the easiest opening to learn. In this file you will get an incredibly detailed analysis (482 novelties!) of the best opening for Black vs 1.d4 move. It will be Lifetime repertoire that will work for many years. My file is suitable for 1600 level and all the way to GM as I explain in the video.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 32$
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Are you struggling to play against London, Jobava London, Colle systems? Ten years after I published "Beating 1.d4 sidelines" I am presenting my new file with extensive coverage of White major sidelines after 1.d4 d5. You will find Black powerful solutions against London, Jobava London, Colle Zukerort, Blackmar -Diemer Gambit and all other major variations White can offer. My file contains 376 novelties/improvements! As always I truly believe it will set you up for many years ahead playing against these variations.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 21$
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Very excited to introduce Black independent (not connected with you response to 1.Nf3, or 1.d4) Repertoire against English Opening -1.c4 . The first part starts from the position 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6. Second part 1.c4 e5 not 2.Nc3 will be released in two weeks. This material is also published on Modern-Chess platform, but I offer much cheaper price, since it comes without video. My PGN file will be for the first time in Modern-Chess format : split into 11 separate chapters and also includes 11 Memory test positions. A cornerstone of my repertoire is exciting Adhiban Gambit after 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 e4 4.Ng5 c6! with exciting play. To get PGN file please head over to my web page ask-avrukh.com
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 28$
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This file features Black full repertoire against English Opening (previously I released two different parts on my site). My choice is 1.c4 e5, a fully independent variation which can be studied regardless your choices against 1.d4, 1.Nf3, 1.g3 etc. There are 6 major White moves covered 2.Nc3, 2.g3, 2.d3, 2.Nf3, 2.e3 and 2.a3 in detail. There are separate 23 chapters and 23 memory test positions in the file. The cherry on top is Adhiban Gambit in the main line 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 e4 4.Ng5 c6!?. I believe this repertoire will serve you for many years ahead! Good for 1600+ level.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 21$
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This file completes Black Repertoire against English 1.c4. First part covered position after 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 , while this part covers White alternatives on second move. All White major moves 2.g3, 2.d3, 2.Nf3, 2.e3 and 2.a3 covered in details. What is important that 1...e5 response is the most challenging one and absolutely independent variation, not connected to any other opening you might play against 1.d4, or 1.Nf3
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 21$
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I am aware that many players feel uncomfortable against 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5. In his second publication Michael Roiz offers White solution against Benko Gambit. I believe it's a great timing since Black has discovered some playable lines against the main 5.bxa6 . I am a big believer that Benko offers White an opportunity to fight for advantage and the right approach is to have a good line against it. Studying this variation is a great investment in long run!
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 32$
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Looking for something spicy and reliable against 1.d4? In this video I am offering Benko repertoire for Black. Those, who remember old theory of Benko will be surprised with Black new concepts. As always, my material provides very deep dive into most important variations of Benko opening. My file contains 379 novelties/improvements, which means that you will be ahead of existing theory for many years ahead!
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 21$
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From my experience, Black players has been always debating which variation to play after 1.d4 d5 . 2c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc4 5.a4. My suggestion is reliable 5...e6. I offer a very detailed coverage from the starting position after 5...e6. Depending on White choice the play might be very sharp (White can sacrifice a pawn in several variations), or more positional after 6.e3. If you study my file you are going to feel very comfortable for many years ahead! Published for Advanced level only.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 32$
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Struggling againt Reti (Keymer variation) and Advanced Reti? I would like to offer powerful solutions against both 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 and 1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 move orders. Original ideas, 231 novelties/improvements and very detailed coverage will take you for many years ahead! From my experience knowing these lines will significantly boost your confidence in case you encounter 1.Nf3 first move.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 28$
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Worried about King's Gambit and Vienna Game? FM Or Cohen proposes an interesting solution against both openings. His database contains six lines with detailed analyses, which takes you far beyond existing theory! With this database you will be covered for many years ahead!
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 23$
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Two weeks ago, I released "Benko Repertoire" Database. Today's Database with coverage of two major Anti-Benko lines completes full Benko Repertoire for Black. Moreover, you don't need to play Benko in order to employ these variations : you can play 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.d5 b5 independently, while the second variation can occur via 1.Nf3 c5 2.c4 Nf6 3.d4 move order, so it might be an idea for your repertoire against English. Black is doing well with active position in both lines.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 18$
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After Indian Grandmaster Adhiban Baskaran released his Lifetime Repertoire 1.b3 in 2021 this move has become quite popular on every level. It's understandable since you can just learn 1.b3 move and avoid all massive theory, good practical solution! This file offers you a very powerful solution against 1.b3 and hopefully solves the problem once and for all. A very surprising idea 4...Nge7 in the main line, as well as very deep dive into all variations supposed to help you to get a very promising positions out of the opening for many years ahead!
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 18$
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This Database contains 100 Puzzles from 45th Chess Olympiad, finished a few days ago in Hungary. There are 3 different levels and puzzles from rook endgames. First game you will see the position, from which you need to start, second game - full solution. That's why there 200 games in total. 1-56 Easy level; 57-120 Medium level; 121-154 Advanced level; 155-200 Rook endgames. Hopefully, you will enjoy the highlights of 45th Chess Olympiad!
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 24$
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Very excited to introduce a first file of Michael Roiz, well-renowned theoretician, strong GM and well-known coach. Lately 6...Nc6 7.0-0 e5 line has been doing extremely well for Black against KID fianchetto variation. Michael offers a surprising solution 7.d5!?. It comes with detailed analyses and a bunch of new strategical ideas!
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 22$
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Are you looking for interesting and not very theoretical Ruy Lopez line for Black, which would promise thematic complexity of closed pawnstructure? I would like to suggest relatively rare line, which looks very interesting and reliable for Black.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 25$
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Sicilian O'Kelly variation appears to be a very nice playable line for Black, which can be not only "a surprising weapon", but also something you can play on regular basis. There are 285 novelties/improvements in my file! In my opinion it fits a wide range of players starting from ambitious 1600 players and all the way to titled one's.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 13$
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Many players have been struggling to find comfortable set-up against Reti Opening (1.Nf3 d5 2.g3). My proposal to follow footsteps of German Grandmaster Matthias Bluebaum. I like the flexibility of Black set-up.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 15$
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Many players have been struggling to find comfortable set-up against Reti Opening (1.Nf3 d5 2.g3). My proposal to follow footsteps of German Grandmaster Matthias Bluebaum. I like the flexibility of Black set-up.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 20$
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Many players have been struggling to find comfortable set-up against Reti Opening (1.Nf3 d5 2.g3). My proposal to follow footsteps of German Grandmaster Matthias Bluebaum. I like the flexibility of Black set-up.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 22$
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Modern Vienna is Black latest word in 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 move order. This variation offers very complex middlegame fight with many positional features. Overall it offers very exciting double-edged game.
Level - Advanced players
Full access price: 10$
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Tired of studying massive theory of Ruy Lopez, Italian, or Scotch? How about getting playable positions against 1.e4 e5 with relatively new approach of Super GM Richard Rapport? Since this idea is still fresh, it might be also an excellent surprising weapon!
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
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Tired of studying massive theory of Ruy Lopez, Italian, or Scotch? How about getting playable positions against 1.e4 e5 with relatively new approach of Super GM Richard Rapport? Since this idea is still fresh, it might be also an excellent surprising weapon!
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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Tired of studying massive theory of Ruy Lopez, Italian, or Scotch? How about getting playable positions against 1.e4 e5 with relatively new approach of Super GM Richard Rapport? Since this idea is still fresh, it might be also an excellent surprising weapon!
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 10$
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It appears that after classical move order 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 besides well-established moves Black can play 3...h6! Recently this continuation has been successfully used by Indian prodigy Nihal Sarin. Do you want to avoid heavy theory while surprising your opponent with rare variation? It might be an idea for you.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
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It appears that after classical move order 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 besides well-established moves Black can play 3...h6! Recently this continuation has been successfully used by Indian prodigy Nihal Sarin. Do you want to avoid heavy theory while surprising your opponent with rare variation? It might be an idea for you.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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It appears that after classical move order 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 besides well-established moves Black can play 3...h6! Recently this continuation has been successfully used by Indian prodigy Nihal Sarin. Do you want to avoid heavy theory while surprising your opponent with rare variation? It might be an idea for you.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 13$
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In this file you will find Black full repertoire against 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 opening, which is nowadays White top choice at almost every level. After 3...Nf6 the file covers 4.Ng5 -two knights variation; 4.d3 Slow Italian , where I have an interesting solution 4...d5!?; 4.d4 Scotch Gambit and finally pretty harmless 4.Nc3.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 15$
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In this file you will find Black full repertoire against 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 opening, which is nowadays White top choice at almost every level. After 3...Nf6 the file covers 4.Ng5 -two knights variation; 4.d3 Slow Italian , where I have an interesting solution 4...d5!?; 4.d4 Scotch Gambit and finally pretty harmless 4.Nc3.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 20$
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In this file you will find Black full repertoire against 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 opening, which is nowadays White top choice at almost every level. After 3...Nf6 the file covers 4.Ng5 -two knights variation; 4.d3 Slow Italian , where I have an interesting solution 4...d5!?; 4.d4 Scotch Gambit and finally pretty harmless 4.Nc3.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 20$
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This file combines Sicilian sidelines part 1 and part 2. Here you can find coverage of most popular Sicilian sidelines (besides 2.c3 which has separate file on my web page) , most of deviations from 2.Nf3 , Closed Sicilian , Grand Prix , Smith-Morra Gambit and trendy 2.Nc3 d6 3 d4 .
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 15$
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Very ambitious Black repertoire vs Italian, which includes 3...Nf6 4. Ng5 variation , as well as Scotch Gambit 4. d4 and finally "Slow Italian" 4. d3 h6!?
Level - Title seekers
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When we encounter the most popular White opening against 1.e4 e5 Giuoco Piano, or so called Italian the majority of players prefer 3...Bc5. I am pretty sure that there will be many players, who would prefer to have Black bishop on e7, or avoid some of the White alternatives to slow Italian ( set-up with d3). It can be achieved through 3...Nf6 move order, but not everyone like to study 4.Ng5 line and all complicated positions, which are happening after 4...d5 5.exd5 Na5 6.Bb5 c6 7.dxc6 bxc6 etc , which you can already find on my web page. Therefore I believe it would be a great news for Black players to know that 5...b5 is viable alternative to well-established theory.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 10$
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When we encounter the most popular White opening against 1.e4 e5 Giuoco Piano, or so called Italian the majority of players prefer 3...Bc5. I am pretty sure that there will be many players, who would prefer to have Black bishop on e7, or avoid some of the White alternatives to slow Italian ( set-up with d3). It can be achieved through 3...Nf6 move order, but not everyone like to study 4.Ng5 line and all complicated positions, which are happening after 4...d5 5.exd5 Na5 6.Bb5 c6 7.dxc6 bxc6 etc , which you can already find on my web page. Therefore I believe it would be a great news for Black players to know that 5...b5 is viable alternative to well-established theory.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
View only access price: 8$
When we encounter the most popular White opening against 1.e4 e5 Giuoco Piano, or so called Italian the majority of players prefer 3...Bc5. I am pretty sure that there will be many players, who would prefer to have Black bishop on e7, or avoid some of the White alternatives to slow Italian ( set-up with d3). It can be achieved through 3...Nf6 move order, but not everyone like to study 4.Ng5 line and all complicated positions, which are happening after 4...d5 5.exd5 Na5 6.Bb5 c6 7.dxc6 bxc6 etc , which you can already find on my web page. Therefore I believe it would be a great news for Black players to know that 5...b5 is viable alternative to well-established theory.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 20$
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Relatively simple White repertoire against Najdorf. Lately trendy line thanks to the efforts of Elite Russian Grandmasters Sergey Karjakin and Ian Nepomniachtchi.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 10$
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This file covers White solution against Budapest Gambit ( not my book line) and 1...e5?!
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
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This file covers White solution against Budapest Gambit ( not my book line) and 1...e5?!
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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This file covers White solution against Budapest Gambit ( not my book line) and 1...e5?!
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 7$
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This file covers Smith-Morra Gambit, Closed Sicilian 2.Nc3 3.g3 , Grand Prix attack and trendy 2.Nc3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
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This file covers Smith-Morra Gambit, Closed Sicilian 2.Nc3 3.g3 , Grand Prix attack and trendy 2.Nc3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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This file covers Smith-Morra Gambit, Closed Sicilian 2.Nc3 3.g3 , Grand Prix attack and trendy 2.Nc3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 17$
View only access price: 12$
Full comprehensive Breyer repertoire for Black against Main line of Ruy Lopez.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 19$
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Full comprehensive Breyer repertoire for Black against Main line of Ruy Lopez.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 10$
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Black challenging repertoire against Alapin 1.e4 c5 2.c3 vs Sicilian. My choice is 3...d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5.d4 g6!?
In my opinion a good choice when you are looking for double-edged play with Black.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
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Black challenging repertoire against Alapin 1.e4 c5 2.c3 vs Sicilian. My choice is 3...d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5.d4 g6!? In my opinion a good choice when you are looking for double-edged play with Black.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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Black challenging repertoire against Alapin 1.e4 c5 2.c3 vs Sicilian. My choice is 3...d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5.d4 g6!? In my opinion a good choice when you are looking for double-edged play with Black.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 13$
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Very ambitious Black repertoire vs Italian, which includes 3...Nf6 4. Ng5 variation , as well as Scotch Gambit 4. d4 and finally "Slow Italian" 4. d3 h6!?
Level - Club players
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Black challenging repertoire against very popular London system. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3.e3 c5!
The system works for both 1.d4 d5 and 1.d4 Nf6 players
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
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Black challenging repertoire against very popular London system. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3.e3 c5! The system works for both 1.d4 d5 and 1.d4 Nf6 players
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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Black challenging repertoire against very popular London system. 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3.e3 c5! The system works for both 1.d4 d5 and 1.d4 Nf6 players
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 10$
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Very ambitious Black repertoire vs Italian, which includes 3...Nf6 4. Ng5 variation , as well as Scotch Gambit 4. d4 and finally "Slow Italian" 4. d3 h6!?
Level - Novices
Full access price: 10$
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Very aggressive response to straight Benoni move order, which I believe poses Black serious problems according to current theory.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
View only access price: 8$
Very aggressive response to straight Benoni move order, which I believe poses Black serious problems according to current theory.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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Very aggressive response to straight Benoni move order, which I believe poses Black serious problems according to current theory.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 10$
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Powerful fianchetto repertoire for Black vs London System. The examined variation mostly fits KID and Grunfeld players.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 13$
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Powerful fianchetto repertoire for Black vs London System. The examined variation mostly fits KID and Grunfeld players.
Level - Club players
Full access price: 15$
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Powerful fianchetto repertoire for Black vs London System. The examined variation mostly fits KID and Grunfeld players.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 10$
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In this file I will examine seven different White 2nd moves deviating from 2. Nf3 . In all those line White obviously avoids Open Sicilian. To my great surprise many Sicilian players find it uncomfortable to face sidelines, while always very happy to play Open Sicilian. The main purpose of this video and my files is to give you confidence in encountering these variations.
Level - Novices
Full access price: 15$
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In this file I will examine seven different White 2nd moves deviating from 2. Nf3 . In all those line White obviously avoids Open Sicilian. To my great surprise many Sicilian players find it uncomfortable to face sidelines, while always very happy to play Open Sicilian. The main purpose of this video and my files is to give you confidence in encountering these variations.
Level - Title seekers
Full access price: 13$
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In this file I will examine seven different White 2nd moves deviating from 2. Nf3 . In all those line White obviously avoids Open Sicilian. To my great surprise many Sicilian players find it uncomfortable to face sidelines, while always very happy to play Open Sicilian. The main purpose of this video and my files is to give you confidence in encountering these variations.
Level - Club players